
Nigeria is a country bursting with energy, talent and a lot of hope for the future, but the question is are Nigerians really healthy? And that’s where Max international company comes in. It’s a U.S based company and we have 25years of science behind us. Our aim is to provide better health, success and significance to Nigerians by increasing health awareness. Over 70 diseases respond to our products and today we are going to be talking about one of those diseases which is hypertention. Hypertension is another name for high blood pressure. WHAT IS HYPERTENSION: it is simply the force your blood exerts on the wall of the blood vessel. HOW COMMON IS HYPERTENSION: In Nigeria alone we have over 1.5 million cases each year. CAUSES OF HYPERTENSION: In most cases, the cause is not known but it can result from the following diseases: Kidney disease -Diabetes -Obesity -Pregnancy -Disease of the thyroid gland Other factors that can make you prone to hypertension: -Aging ; the older you get the more likely you will have hypertention -Excessive alcohol intake -Smoking tobacco -Being overweight -Excessive salt intake SYMPTOMS OF HYPERTENSION: Someone with hypertention may not have any symptom and that is why it is called the silent killer, because while such people still feel heathy a lot of damage is being done to the heart, kidneys, brain, eyes and other organs of the body. But luckily for some individuals they may have symptoms like headache, vomiting, difficulty with sleeping. WHAT ARE THE PROBLEMS THAT CAN ARISE FROM HYPERTENSION: * Heart failure * Kidney failure * Stroke * Eye problems which may even lead to blindness. HOW DO YOU REDUCE YOUR RISK OF HAVING HYPERTENSION : -Check your blood pressure (Bp) regularly -Regular exercise -Reduce your intake of fatty diet -Cut down on excess salt intake -Stop smoking -Reduce your alcohol intake WHAT DO YOU DO IF YOU DEVELOP HYPERTENSION : -Always see your doctor -Always keep up with hospital appointments -Always take your drugs If you have any question, comment or clarification kindly inbox me. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR TIME... DR. OSAYI OBEHI MAX INTERNATIONAL COMPANY REACHING OUT TO ALL.


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